Good Times
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:20 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
N. Rodgers, B. Edwards
File Size
34 KB
Good times, these are the good times.
Leave your cares be-hind.
These are the good times. Good
Hap-py days are here a-gain.
The time is right for mak-in' friends.
Let's get to-ge-ther a-bout a quart-er to ten.
Come to-mor-row. Let's all do it a-gain.
Boys will be boys, better let them have their toys
Girls will be girls, cute pony tails are girls
Must put an end to this stress and strife
I think I want to live the sporting live
Who's in the house tonight, it's getting late?
Time marches on, it just can't wait
The clock is turning, why hesitate?
You silly boy, you can't change your fate
Let's cut the rug, little shove and jitterbug
We want the best, we won't setle for less
Don't be a drag, participate
Hans on the Happy Show at the Rollerskates, Rollerskates
Very easy tune that inspired a bunch of songs like:
'Rapper's Delight'; 'Another One Bites The Dust'; 'We
Are Family' and so many more